Sunday 27 February 2011

Our Performances

We have now played three performances, two were street gigs when the Indian children played along with us. These gigs were very special to us because that's what we have come out here to do, to give the children these opportunities. The audiences are always very intrigued and don't know quite what to make of the instruments, but I think we have been well recieved.  We also played at the Taj Bengal 5* hotel last night, which was very different to anything else we have seen on this trip. It was definitely a case of 'how the other half live'. There were many professional musicians at this event and they too were taken back by the sound of the steel band. 
All in all I think everyone has taken a lot from this trip (most of us a dress size lighter too!) and amongst all the stress, lack of sleep and organisational problems, Calcutta and the people here will stay in our memories for a long time. 

Posted by Hannah

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